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Chushai the Arachite North, Yarka

Chushai HaArchi was a loyal friend and adviser of King David originating from the city of Yarcha. During the rebellion of Avshalom, Chushai served as a spy for King David and also provided false advice to Avshalom causing him to turn down the wise advice of Achitofel.

Chushai the Arachite is buried in the Druze occupied village of Yarcha, Israel. His tomb is also well respected by the Druzim who refer to it as 'Nabi Yarka'.;

During Avshalom's rebellion against his father,, Chushai met up with the retreating camp of King David on their way up Mount of Olives. Chushai's clothing were torn and his head is covered with dust and he wished to join the group. King Dovid told him that he would simply be a burden on them due to his old age, rather he should remain in Yerushalayim, serving as a spy and work to confuse the counsel of Achitofel.

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