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Esther HaMalka North, Kfar Blum

Queen Esther, also known as Hadassah, is the famous subject of Megillas Esther and the heroine of the story of Purim. Esther was chosen to Marry King Achashverosh, ruler of Persia after he had his wife Vashti killed and conducted an empire wide beauty contest to find a new Queen. She concealed her Jewish identity and only revealed her roots when the time to came to save the Jewish people from the genocide planned by Haman, the king's prime minister.

After Queen Esther passed away her body was brought to Eretz Yisroel at her request and buried in Kfar Bar'am. There are sources that place her kever in Hamadan, Iran. It is possible that she was first buried there for a period of time before her casket was moved.

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