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Rava the Amora North, Hazor Haglilit

Rabbi Abba ben Yosef bar Chama was only known in the Talmud by the name “Rava”. He was a fourth generation Babylonaian Amora. He and his friend Abaye argue throughout the Talmud, which set up the dialectic style of study for generations to come. Rava was married to the daughter of Rav Chisda. After Abaye’s passing, he became head of the yeshiva in Pumpedisa and relocated it to the city of Mechuza.

Rava is buried in a cave in Ovnit in Northern Israel along with Abaye, Rav Dimi of Nahardea and a number of unamed sages. In recent times this cave was identified as Rava’s gravesite. It is located under the kever of Rabbe Yehuda Nesiah and just before the cave of the sons of Rav Pupa.

Rava was the son of the Amora Rav Yosef bar Chama. He was born in the Babylonian city of Mechuza the year that Rav Yehuda passed away. Rava’s main teacher was was Rav Nachman. When rava passed away, Rav Ashi was born.

Local residents of the area created a Hillula for Rava and Abaya which they celebrate on the 28th of Iyyar.

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