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Rabbi Oshiya Zeira Dman Chevraya North, Akbara

Rabbi Oshiya Zeira Dman Chevraya (אושעיא זעירא דמן חבריא) was a third generation Babylonian Amora and a descendant of Eli HaKohen. He was a student of Rav Yehuda and Rav Huna and a friend of Rabba. Originally living in Nahardea, Rabbi Oshiya Zeira Dman Chevraya moved to Eretz Yisroel with his brother Rav Chananya. He was given the title 'Zeira Dman Chevraya' since he was the youngest of the students in the Yeshiva and to differentiate him from a different Rav Oshiya who lived at the same time.

Rabbi Oshiya Zeira Dman Chevraya Rabbi Oshiya Zeira Dman Chevraya is buried in the cliffs outside Achbara in the ruins of Chakuv based on the testimony of Rabbi Chaim Vital in the name of the Arizal. He is buried in a cave along with Rabbi Zerika‎ and Rav Sama. In two nearby dug caves are the kivarim of Mar Ukva‎ and Rabbi Levitas ish Yavneh.

Rabbi Oshiya Zeira and his brother Rav Chananya moved to Eretz Yisroel while Rabbi Yochanan was still alive. Rabbi Yochanan wanted to give them Smicha but despite all his efforts was unable to do so. Rabbi Oshiya Zeira and Rav Chananya explained to Rabbi Yochanan that it was most probably due to their lineage from the 'House of Eli HaKohen' who was cursed that none of his descendants would live long lives. Since they did not receive Smicha they continued to be labeled as a 'Chaver' and when both brothers are referenced to together they are called 'Chavarahem shel Rabbanan' - 'friends of the Sages'.

Rabbi Oshiya Zeira married the daughter of Rabbi Shmuel bar Rav Yitzchak. In the end Rabbi Oshiya Zeira did receive Smicha and the title 'Rebbe'. In Eretz Yisroel we find him in the presence of the leading sages Rav Ami, Rav Ashi and Rabbi Zaira. A few times in the Talmud, Rabbi Oshiya Zeira Dman Chevraya is found quoting Braysos. He spent a lot of time with his brother Rav Chananya and together they visited the ruins of Yerushalayim, although they sat by one of its gates and did not enter it.

Rabbi Oshiya Zeira and his brother Rav Chananya worked as shoemakers. Their stand was near the harlotry market and the harlots would come to them to sew shoes. The brothers never once looked or even glanced and any of these women. The harlots greatly respect their holiness and would swear by the lives of these holy Rabbis when they had to make an oath.

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