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The Ramchal North, Tiberias Area

Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzato, known by his acronym "Ramchal", is buried in Tiberias, right next to the grave of Rabbi Akiva. The Ramchal was born in Italy and was recognized early on for his brilliance. At the age of twenty, he began studying Kabbalah, earning him the distrust of the local rabbis. Still reeling from the disastrous false messiah, Shabtai Zvi, the Jewish community at the time was very suspicious of mysticism. The Ramchal was chased out of Italy and found his way through Germany to Amsterdam. In Amsterdam he wrote the now famous sefer, the Mesillas Yesharim. He and his family eventually made their way to Israel, where he established what is now called “ The Ramchal’s Shul” in Akko. After only three years, the entire family was killed in a plague. The Ramchal was 39 when he passed away. A century after his death, Rabbi Yisroel Salanter, used the Mesillas Yesharim as a foundation for starting the Mussar movement. The Vilna Goan, said that if the Ramchal was still alive he would walk on foot to go see him. The Mesillas Yesharim has since become one of the most widely studied books in all of Jewish literature. The Ramchal is also known as the father of modern Hebrew for the clear style in which he wrote.

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